The 2018 Vorne Dealer Meeting was held on October 15-18 at Limak Deluxe Hotel in one of the most beautiful regions of Cyprus. It was very enjoyable to be together again at the meeting, held with the participation of 34 dealers in Turkey and left behind memories that testify the event as one of the best examples of the traditional annual Vorne – Dealer meetings.
After the evaluations made in the meetings held on the 2nd day of the dealer meeting, an event was held with our dealers and sales team and carried out in partnership with the Make-A-Wish Association.
On the 3rd day of the meeting, a pleasant tour was held in Magosa city center after the Ancient City of Salamis, whose establishment dates back to the end of the Bronze Age. In the second part of our trip to Cyprus, Namik Kemal Dungeon, located in the courtyard of the Venetian Palace, and St. Nicholas Cathedral, built between 1298 and 1312 and one of the most beautiful examples of Gothic structures, were visited. After our trip, the day was concluded with a gala dinner at Limak Deluxe Hotel.
Our esteemed General Manager Nagehan Demir presented plaques to the first, second, and third winners of the region at the gala dinner, which we remember as the very delicious and entertaining finale of a meeting attended by our dealers and esteemed Board Members. We would like to once again thank everyone who participated and contributed to our event, which took place in Cyprus in October 2018 and constituted another good example of Vorne Dealer Meetings!